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You're viewing Pharoah Expansion : Cleopatra Cheat Codes

Game Name : Pharoah Expansion : Cleopatra
System : PC - Windows
Date Added : 2005-08-28 00:06:19
Views : 21637

Cheat mode:
Press [Ctrl] + [Alt] + C to display the cheat menu and enter the case-sensitive codes:

Result - Code:

Pack of tomb robbers looking for burial provisions appear - Jail Break
Hailstorm pelts your city - Hail to the Chief
Swarms of locusts eat every crop in sight - Crop Busters
Plague of frogs descends upon city - Amphibious Assault
Pyramids built at quicker pace - Ancient Astronauts
Life-giving river turns to blood - Crimson Tide
Mummies appear from monuments and attack city - Mummys Revenge
Black hippos appear - Hippo Stomp
Black hippos begin to dance - Side Show
1000 additional Deben - Treasure Chest
Win scenario - Pharaohs Tomb
Raise your kingdom rating - Sun Disk
Lower your kingdom rating - Mesektet
Certain top ranking houses are destroyed - Cat Fight
Throw a festival for all deities worshipped in the city - Meow
Create a plague - Cat Nip
Ptah destroys a storage yard - Grenow
Ptah destroys a craft-making place - Big Dave
Water attack by enemy - mockattack2
Land attack by enemy - mockattack1
Seth makes a vow - Typhonian Relief
Bast creates plague in city - Kitty Litter
Better harvest - Bounty
All craft shops fully stocked - Noble Djed
Increased crafts in storage yards - Supreme Craftsman
Seth destroys all ships (Seth must be worshipped) - Fury of Seth

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